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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Theory of cooperative learning on E-Learning.

A. The meaning and the concept of cooperative learning (Cooperative and Collaborative Learning).
Cooperative and Collaborative Learning or Cooperative Learning. With a similar meaning. It is a learning process as a cooperative. The difference between Cooperative Learning and Collaborative Learning in collaboration with different Sunyoung, J. (2003) concluded that the difference is noticeable between the Cooperative Learning and Collaborative Learning is the structure of such Pre -. Structure, Task - Structure and Content Structure of Cooperative Learning is an advance over the structure. Is associated with a structured response to a clear and limited in scope to learn the knowledge and skills on the Collaborative Learning is less structured. Associated with a loose structure (ill - Structure Task) provides a flexible range of responses. And learning in the frontiers of knowledge and skills not fixed. Regarding the state of online teaching that are often used. Collaborative Learning.

Nagata and Ronkowski (1998) concluded that the advantage. Collaborative Learning is like a huge umbrella that includes a variety of Cooperative Learning in small group to form a specific working group said that the Cooperative Learning Cooperative Learning is a form of Collaborative Learning has been developed by Johnson and Johnson (1960) and is still widely used today.

Office of Educational Research and Improvement (1992) has the meaning of the Cooperative Learning as a teaching strategy that is successful in small teams. Where students of different ability levels. Using a variety of learning activities. To improve their understanding of the subject. Each member of the team are responsible not only for learning but also to. Helping the team to learn with. It also has created an environment for achieving the set with.

Penn State University College of Education (2004) have been defined. Collaborative Learning as a feature of sharing. The target. Validate each other. Trust and responsibility are clear. Communication in an environment that is both formal and casual. Having decided on a common sight. The instructor will facilitate and guide. Students can see the solution of the problem.

Thirteen Organization (2004) concluded that the Collaborative Learning is a way of teaching and learning in teams of students together. An open question or a project that is filled with meaning, for example, a group of students are discussed. Or students from other schools working together through the Internet. To share the tasks assigned. Cooperative Learning is the primary focus of the group. A specific form of cooperation. Students will work together in small groups in the structure of things. All have a responsibility in their work. Everyone can understand the work as well. Cooperative group work and the work in the face (Face - to-face) and learn to work as a team.

Concluded that cooperative learning (Cooperative and Collaborative Learning) is a form of teaching. Focused on the students to act as a group. The group is also different. To enhance the learning capacity of each. Encouraged to help each other. To achieve the goals of this cooperative learning. To encourage collaboration as a group or team-based democracy. The development of emotional intelligence. Can adjust to living with others happily.


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